Sunday 7 August 2011

From Cairo With Love...

Hi guys! It's been a minute. So sorry we've been quiet we have been busy thinking up ways to serve you all better and we came up with a bright idea. We'd have our very own exciting 'GIVEAWAY'. In the midst of this we want you all to have fun while we are at it so guys get ready.

We have also noticed that we aren't getting feedback from our readers. Please as you read on let us know what you think thus far and we are welcome to new suggestions to making this blog worth every minute.

I can't wait for the photos of the designer jewelry collection from Ruby n Pink. They'd definitely blow y'alls mind. I mean literally.

Oh! Did I mention I went to Cairo? It was indeed an amazing experience as the history was overwhelming and the scents? hmmm 'breathtaking' I must confess I went wild cos it was a brand new experience as with every fragrance came a beautiful and in most cases romantic story and with each story came ' I'd take some of those please' I just couldn't stop. Three hours later I knew I had to or else! I mustn't forget to mention the hospitality of the Egyptians? Guys it's world class I think that was how 'FADI' ( the guy that owned the store) got me he first went through something that sounded like a recital welcoming me to Egypt and insisted I accepted his 'Egyptian Hospitality' which was say 4 cups of Hibiscus tea and a very very large lunch.

He gave me a full lecture on the 'POWER OF SCENTS'. Wow! That's all I can say for now. Ladies you can bring your man to his knees with your 'scent' believe me it's happened, has happened and will continue to happen. I'm more than willing to hook you sisters up a lil' som som.


Merce' mrein-homebathandyou

 Day 1...discoveries
 Day 2...Exploring Cairo
 The Pyramid...Giza
The Wondrous and Marvelous work of Art...


  1. Cairo is one of my dream destinations! Sounds like you had a fab time. Great blog!

  2. I cant stop using my Harem oil! They are mind blowing....literally!! i hope you are heading back there like tommorow coz i need refills like yersterday! lol.
